Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The First Time

Well, I had previously bragged about the old gal from Gid being able to set up a blogspot. That was 3 posts ago--none of which made it onto the blogspot because apparently the old gal is not all that savvy on things like this. They say the 3rd time is the charm, so I guess we'll see if this one makes it. Actually, I think Blogger doesn't work like the help section says it does, so I'm not going to take full responsibility. Anyway, welcome to my first time on my blog. I don't have enough excitement in my life to warrant a blog, but here I am anyway. I will try to keep everyone up to date on the latest news in downtown Gid. That will be an awesome task in itself!! I'll also share some photos as I become more proficient at using a digital camera. (So much to learn all of a sudden!)
I do have some pretty exciting news for my first post. Early this morning MuShu gave birth to her first (and hopefully only) litter, so I now have 3 grandkittens. They're ugly little rascals but maybe they'll grow out of that. I never did, but maybe they'll be more fortunate. Well, I don't want to overdo it on my first (or third, whichever you want to count it) time, so I'll land this plane. Do come back, though, cause there's no telling what you might read here. CS


The Pepin Family said...

Yea...welcome to the world of blogging! I look forward to reading your posts...your sense of humor should make for interesting reading.

Congratulations on the grandkittens!!! Happy blogging!


A'Larra Hunt said...

Such a great way to keep up with each other. Get that digital camera working and post lots of pictures!
